Meet A Mom - South OC Moms

Meet Jenavie – the Mom behind Frankie Dean®

This Mama may have started on the East Coast, but she found the love of her life on the West Coast. And not too long after, she also found her inspiration for making soothing baby blankets. Jenavie managed to turn a scary situation in the NICU with her youngest son,...

Meet Helen – The Slumber Party Extraordinaire

As her moto goes “If you can dream it, she can theme it! This local Mom has transformed herself from a nurse into SouthOC’s premier Slumber Party Extraordinaire. This local Mom of 3 grew up here in South Orange County and loves getting her kids outside to enjoy...

Breast Cancer Survivor, Mom and Flourishing Entrepreneur

With October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I am so thrilled to introduce you all to Breast Cancer Survivor Maria. After this Mom of 3 fought off cancer she went through a period of life reevaluation. This local Mom and Survivor figured out how to turn one of...

Introducing the Supermom Behind Lil Z’s

San Clemente is very lucky to have this hardworking Momtrepreneur in their community. Evet’s immigrant parents showed her early on how to be your own boss and changed her perspective on the 9 to 5 job for the rest of her life. Now she is changing one store front...

Meet the Local Mama behind Vedder’s Nice Cream

Once you try Vedder’s Nice Cream you will be blown away that it is non-GMO, vegan, gluten-free, organic and dairy-free. But what’s even more impressive is why this local Mama started mixing up ice cream alternatives in her kitchen. Ashley’s family...

Check out the Dynamic Duo behind Eco Balance Life

Find out how this dynamic Mom duo from Ladera Ranch took matters into their own hands and got their families healthy with natural, environmentally friendly cleaning products. They have created every cleaning product, in every major category, so that your family can...

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Stay up-to-date with what is happening in-and-around the South Orange County community with local events, community highlights, and exclusive deals.