Meet A Mom - South OC Moms

Meet Ellie – The Mom Behind “All About The Deets”

What lead you to create All About the Deets? I’ve always loved planning parties. As a young girl, I remember using every holiday as an excuse to decorate and plan a gathering. Even in medical school, while my colleagues were studying, I was more excited to plan our...

Meet Rebekah – The Mom Behind The Cookie Curator

First and Last Name: Rebekah Paredes  What lead you to start the Cookie Curator? I started decorating cookies as a hobby in December 2015. At that time I had two little ones under the age of 5 and worked as a Senior Project Manager for a clinical research...

Meet the Mom behind Lissarie Photography

  First + Last Name: Melissa DeMers What made you decide to become a Photographer?  I have been a creative my entire life. I started drawing + writing poetry at a very early age in life (around 8 years old or so) + have always had an eye for things that are...

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