MemorialCare Virtual Exam Kit is the Game Changer You Have Been Waiting For - South OC Moms

MemorialCare Kit


As a Mom, the first signs of a child having a cough, running nose or fever is never a good sign. Whether it is first thing in the morning, a call from school in the afternoon or late at night; you know your world as you know it is about to change. Your mind starts to run in a million different directions. Is our primary care doctor open yet? Can they even squeeze us in? Do I need to go to the urgent care? Do I need to cancel that meeting I have in an hour? Can they go to school? The conundrum as a parent to determine what your child needs at the onset of any type of illness is always so daunting. There just must be better way to handle these tough moments. In these post-pandemic times, maintaining optimal health for our entire family is such a priority. I know that regular visits with our primary care practitioners, are essential to our family’s health. But, they’re not always convenient. I know telehealth isn’t a new concept. Like us, I am sure most families got acquainted with virtual doctor visits during the pandemic, as that was the only option for most of us. Virtual doctor visits are one of the most convenient ways to keep you and your family healthy, 24/7, 365 days a year. But I still felt like those visits weren’t always accurate or still required a doctor to see my child in person for a correct diagnosis. Thankfully we found MemorialCare’s Virtual Exam Kit powered by TytoCare to make our virtual visits more accurate. But MemorialCare is taking virtual healthcare to the next level, offering so many ways to get care on-demand, on your terms and on your schedule. They have an online symptom checker to help guide you to the right level of care.  Got an emergency? See a provider face-to-face by scheduling an on demand video visit through their 24/7 Virtual Urgent Care.  You can also schedule eVisits to diagnose and treat a variety of common conditions such as colds, sinus infections, flu and more. By completing an online health questionnaire, MemorialCare providers can diagnose and treat your condition within one hour without an in-person or video visit.  Want to enhance your virtual visits? MemorialCare’s Virtual Exam Kit powered by TytoCare is a gamechanger!


The MemorialCare Virtual Exam Kit, powered by TytoCare, is an FDA-cleared, HIPAA-compliant handheld device that allows you and anyone else in your household to perform guided medical exams with your medical provider from the comfort of home. You did not read that wrong, now your virtual exams are truly interactive with your doctor. You hold the stethoscope to your child’s chest and your doctor can hear and see your child breathing in and out. Talk about a medical game changer for you and your family.




MemorialCare Kit


The standard Virtual Exam Kit comes with a stethoscope, otoscope, tongue depressor, thermometer, and skin exam capabilities. You can also purchase additional attachments like a blood pressure cuff and pulse oximeter. What sets these attachments apart from even the tools used in a doctor’s office is that providers can zoom in and record images allowing them to review everything in more detail for more accurate diagnosis. It really blows my mind that we officially have these tools available to our family at home right now. Because trust me I know exactly how scary it can be to wake up in the middle of the night with a sick child or not feeling well yourself. With the Kit, you can do a comprehensive exam with a provider in minutes. With these visits, you know when it will start so you don’t have to sit in a waiting room – you can be resting or taking care of yourself instead. Once the virtual exam is over, your medical provider will send over any required prescriptions to your pharmacy. Saving yourself time and from having to go to the Emergency Room – well that is priceless!



MemorialCare Kit


The above-mentioned attachments can capture heart and lung sounds, oxygen level, and body temperature as well as images of the throat, ears, and skin. You provider can assess symptoms like a cough, ear pain, sore throat, fever, headache, nausea/vomiting, lower back pain, minor superficial wounds, and diagnose conditions like sinus and ear infections, pink eye, COVID, flu or RSV, bronchitis, seasonal allergies, shingles, or upper respiratory infections. The device can also help manage acute, preventive, and chronic conditions that require a provider to listen to heart and lung sounds regularly. Again, all from the comfort of your own home, all these conditions can be diagnosed.



Taking a Temperature



Listening to the Heartbeat


The entire kit only costs $299 and you can use your HSA/FSA funds to purchase the device. Best part is you only need one kit for your entire family. So, anyone in your household can schedule an appointment with your provider from the comfort of your own home for the rest of their life. Talk about an invaluable peace of mind this kit brings to our mom life! The Kit is super simple to setup and only takes a few minutes. All you need to do is connect to your Wi-Fi and Bluetooth pair with your mobile device. You can connect it to either your ipad or your mobile phone. I choose to use our ipad to merely give us a larger screen to communicate with our service provider. But your mobile phone will certainly do the trick. Once the device is paired, you are ready to schedule your appointment. During your exam, the device itself provides easy-to-follow prompts on how to use the various attachments. They easily connect with one another It’s incredible intuitive, even in the middle of the night you will be able to easily setup the device.



Looking into the Ear Canal


And in case you are wondering, yes all of your data is encrypted and HIPAA compliant. Your providers always update your chart, during the exam, just like when you go in for an office visit! All your patient information will flow into your myChart patient portal too, so you have access to the visit data anytime.



Virtual Exam


So what are you waiting for? Skip driving to the doctor’s office and waiting in the doctor’s office when you or your child aren’t feeling well. Enjoy seeing your doctor from the comfort of your own bed or sofa. You can do your virtual exams in the evenings, on weekends, or on-demand. You and your family will also have less exposure to other people’s germs which helps everyone! It really makes being a Mom easier when you or someone in your family is sick.

So how can you get your kit you ask? All you have to do is visit and click on the Buy Now link. That’s it ladies and don’t worry you can thank me later!



MemorialCare Virtual Exam Kit Powered by Tytocare

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