Meet A Mom Feature – Erin Corn the Mom behind Shore Bird Media - South OC Moms


Let’s start with where are you originally from and how long have you lived in South OC?
I’m originally from Massachusetts and have lived in South OC for 6 months

What made you decide to raise your family in South OC?
We were drawn to South OC after our first visit to San Clemente. We loved seeing young families and children riding their bikes around the neighborhoods of Talega. We could envision our son growing up in South OC and maybe becoming a little surfer!

Children and Ages?
Tyler, 21 months
Bear, Fur Baby, 6 years old

What made you want to start your own Social Media Advertising Firm Shorebird Media?
I spent my entire career at larger tech companies and while I knew that I loved working in digital marketing I always had a longing to be my own boss. When I had Tyler it was the final push I needed to make a change and start Shorebird Media. I’ve grown a lot professionally and personally since starting Shorebird Media and have a new appreciation for small business owners.

Starting a new business takes a ton of work, what does a typical weekday look like for you?
A typical day starts with checking in on the status of my clients’ campaigns and holding weekly status calls. I also set time aside each week dedicated to prospecting and business development activities to ensure I have an active pipeline.

How do you deal with Mom guilt?
It depends on the day but I try to remind myself that being a working Mom is something to be proud of and I know that Tyler will learn best by example. If he sees his Mom and Dad value hard work and persistence it will hopefully be important values in his life.

What advice do you have for new moms that you wish someone had told you?
You can’t do it all and you’ll drive yourself crazy trying. Don’t be afraid to ask for help whether it’s from your husband, parents, neighbors, daycare, or babysitters.

What is your favorite Date Night spot in South OC? The Cellar Wine Bar in San Clemente

What are some of your favorite local things to do with your children?
Being outdoors! Spending time at Calafia State Beach, visiting Courtney’s Sandcastle Park, swimming at the neighborhood pool

Where can others in South OC find you for Social Advertising Expertise?
Reach out on Instagram @shorebirdmedia or visit my website

What would be the one tip you would give all start-up companies trying to get their name out there in the social media universe?
Stay engaged with your prospective customers and community. Follow and connect with similar accounts and interests that matter to your company. This will help you not only grow your network but help people become more aware of your business over time.

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